Wednesday, August 7, 2013


I moved here on a gut feeling with my best friend and my extremely cute new dog. All you need is a friend and a dog. I knew no one else. I had a job and a place to live, but that's about it. Fast forward a few years and I have been incredibly blessed to have generous, caring, hard-working, friendly, amazing clients and friends walk into my life. 

Several years ago I started doing a charity work out once a month. Mainly because people wanted to do an extra work out and I wasn't sure how to bill it and then I thought - why not just donate the money to charity? So every  month I host a work out on a weekend, it's a $10 minimum, we have a great time, and then we donate money to various local and national charities. Because I'm a horrible record keeper I do not know how much we have raised and donated - but I know we have done it.

But then the cause touches close to home and I watch the hearts of my clients open wider. Two years ago we hosted a charity work out for the sister of one of our own team members. She had been diagnosed with a brain tumor. We held the work out on New Year's Eve and we have 45 people show up and raised over $1,200. My client, her sister talked, I cried, other clients cried and it was my most memorable moment of my career. 

On July 6th, a tractor tire fell on a little 7 year old girl.  She is the niece of one of our own team members. Her family has 4 other kids and now extreme medical bills and a daughter fighting every day for her life. Of course we would host a work out. 

Shocked. The generous hearts of my clients opened up and the money poured in (over $1,600!!). Many said the story hits too close to him as they have children of their own and can't imagine something like this happening. The mother of the little girl came to the work out and spoke to us. I of course - cried.  I have no words to describe how grateful I am to have met such caring people. And we had a great work out to boot. 

Life is about gratitude. If I have a hard day at work or am frustrated about something, I remember both of these days. What I was given from these (and every charity work out) cannot be measured.

Being grateful is shown to have a positive impact on your life.

"Grateful people report higher levels of positive emotions, life satisfaction, vitality, optimism and lower levels of depression and stress. The disposition toward gratitude appears to enhance pleasant feeling states more than it diminishes unpleasant emotions. Grateful people do not deny or ignore the negative aspects of life."

  • Besides a higher happiness set-point, other benefits of gratitude include:
  • Feeling more connected (less lonely)
  • Stronger immune system
  • Improved emotional equilibrium
  • Better sleep
  • Increased energy
  • More confidence in ourselves
  • Deeper relaxation
  • We are more attractive
  • Increased creativity
  • Easier bounce back from difficulty

If you haven't stopped to think about what you're thankful's the day. Don't go to bed without thinking of at least 5 people/things you are thankful for. 

I enjoy sharing my life with you through this blog and I am truly grateful to all who read it and all who share the blog with those they love. If you like my blog, please do me the honor of sharing and passing it on. 

I am off to the Iowa State Fair for the weekend - look forward to a blog about food fun next week.