It has been two years since I have seen Kendra. We ate great food, drove to a beautiful lake, went power shopping, made a veggie jack o lantern, went to a birthday party, ate more great food, ate Pittsburg popcorn (amazing!!), drank tons of coffee (me), and enjoyed catching up. Too much fun. No matter how much time passes with out chatting, we can always pick up where we left off.
Then I had my first Mega Bus experience. Now I have never been on the bus before and heard a few horror stories. It picked up at the Pittsburg Convention Center and dropped off in Frederick, Maryland. As normal before a road trip and after a large cup of coffee I have to use the bathroom. So I have about 20 minutes before we load up and I wander through the convention center...with my suitcase in tow. I end up wandering through the Pediatric Oncology and Heptology Nurses Convention to find a bathroom. They looked at me really funny....but success I found a bathroom!
The bus was a hit. No puking on board by anyone, no screaming or crying kids. Just quiet, peaceful riding. Perfect solution.
I get to Maryland to hang with my older brother Blair and younger brother Derek. More good eating, relaxing, and catching up.
One evening we played Monopoly. When was the last time you played Monopoly (if you don't have kids!)? I wanted to hang up the game when it started to feel too much like real life. I had $5 to my name and I was rounding the part of the board where Park Place had hotels built on it. (Rent was $900) "How am I supposed to get past all of these hotels without landing on it before pay day?" and then what happens? I get paid my $200 salary and I land on the "Pay Income Tax of $200" spot. Damn. So real life. It wasn't like that when I played when I was 10 years old.
But a big reason I went out was to run with Blair for his first half marathon. We committed to this back in the winter or spring. He did not start out as much of a runner...but I am. In my usual excited way about athletic endeavors I said
- what a great idea!
- we can do it together
- it's ONLY a half marathon :)
- it will help you set a goal
- if you sign up, I'll come visit
And so we trained throughout the year and the day arrived. We went over pre race prep, clothing, eating, and our strategy.
Strategy = run until you get tired and then walk.
Race morning came and it was gloomy, wet, rainy, and perfect. Us fair skinned people love the cooler weather. We started out, ran, walked, ran, walked, I took pictures, happily ran along, and encouraged him and we were already at mile 10! At mile 12 a lady walked by me and said
"You are having TOO much fun"

And we DID IT! His first (and surely not last) half marathon. We turned a non runner into a half marathoner.
So think about this? When was the last time someone observed you having TOO MUCH FUN?
Here is an article for thought. It is about healthy habits for kids. But oddly enough they can fit adults too. My favorite suggestion - PLAY. Have FUN
Have a great week. Now go out and have so fun and play.
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