Madonna was playing two shows, Saturday and Sunday. We had tickets for Sunday - a WORK night ;)
Upgrades: So we go the Xcel center and get many claps and whistles while crossing the street. Once there, we walk around and scope out all the other Sunday night Madonna go'ers. Not many look as good as us...but I am biased. Then we ride the long escalator up to the 200 section to our seats. While we are messing around getting our picture taken, a nice woman walks up to me and says in a calm voice "would you girls like to be upgraded to floor seats?"
After the shock of realizing what just happened, we all screamed like little school girls and took off DOWN the escalator. "How do you even get to the floor seats? I've never been down there?" Once in a LIFETIME.
Did this really happen? I attribute this to a couple of factors.
Karma - I do not necessarily believe in luck, but in karma. Many people will say I am very lucky. I believe I am very blessed in all aspects of my life but I also believe in karma.
But when talking to my mom about my experience she said "what is karma?" Not in the sense that she had never heard of it, but seriously- what is karma? How do you get it? How do you reap the benefits? etc
This made me stop and think. What exactly is karma?? Before I looked up the real definition, I started to think about what it means to me.
It means that I try every day (as best I can) to put out good vibes into the world, do good for others, listen to everyone, be respectful, not get too angry when someone cuts me off while driving, treat my body with respect and admiration, take deep breaths, send cards to my friends and family, have a positive attitude most of the time, and overall be a good person that others want to be around.
Here are some internet definitions of karma:
- From Urban Dictionary: Karma is a word from the philosophy of many Indian religions (Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism). The basic theory is that the universe runs according to certain laws, all described by one word 'Dharma' (Sanskrit) or 'Dhamma' (Pali). The basic theory is: 'cause and affect'. The laws (Dharma) decide what affect is beget from a given cause. Karma is the 'cause' part of this theory. In other words, your actions - mental, vocal and physical are your Karma (plural).
- From Free The total effect of a person's actions and conduct during the successive phases of the person's existence, regarded as determining the person's destiny
- From Merriam Webster: the force generated by a person's actions held in Hinduism and Buddhism to perpetuate transmigration and in its ethical consequences to to determine the nature of the person's next existence
Spend a moment and decide what karma means for you, go do it, and see what happens. Maybe you'll get upgraded to floor seats to see Madonna.
Her show was incredible.
Have a great week and remember that karma can be both good and bad.
Go put some good karma out into the world.
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