But most importantly, the biggest "first" involved a dog.
So when driving back Jessie and I decided to stop at the same gas station in northern rural Missouri that we had stopped at on the way down. We pull into the parking lot and I say "ugh! what person lets their dog wander around in the gas station parking lot not on a leash?" I get so frustrated when dogs are not on a leash especially in a busy location. So I pump gas and realize this dog is trotting towards me. I panic because I don't want the dog to get hit by a car, so I try to get her to come near me. She does and the people next to me say "she's been here all week. We come here twice a day and we have seen her for many days." What???? These people have just been letting this dog run around a gas station for days? I have a deep pit in my stomach.
Now the dog has run into the gas station and I follow her in so I can chase her back outside. The woman working says someone has DUMPED the dog at the gas station over a week ago. Who does this??????

Have you ever "saved" anyone or any animal? It is the most amazing feeling in the world. I know all animal lovers can relate, but they talk to you. My first dog Rio jumped right into my car when I adopted her from a family I did not know and I knew that I was "saving" her. With this dog, she nuzzles up to me and Jessie like she's saying thank you. When we looked through the glass at the groomer's she sprinted across the floor and put her nose up to the glass. Her eyes say it all. "Thank You"
I have to say, picking up an abandoned dog at a gas station was the best "first" thing I have done in a long time.
Remember, picking up a dog is not the only way to save someone. It can happen at any moment, at any time, and with anyone.
"To the world you may just be one person but to one person you may be the world."
Have a great weekend as fall (aka snow) has hit Minnesota. Hug those you love and save a dog :)
As always, if you enjoy my blog, do me the honor of passing it on to friends and family.
Congratulations! What is your new family members name? So cute and so inspirational!