Thursday, November 1, 2012

Rules of Zombieland

Sometimes I have a hard time using my imagination. This may seem strange because I have creative outfits for running, I create fun work outs for my classes, I create crazy fun vacations, but sometimes I have a hard time letting my mind expand. For example - I can not watch movies that require imagination. Any super hero movie - fall asleep. Disney is sometimes worth staying awake for. Scary movies can get boring if they are too far fetched. Movies that want you to "figure out your own ending" are way out of my book. But today's blog is about a movie that I actually like that requires imagination "ZOMBIELAND" and it's fitting since yesterday was Halloween.  If you have not seen the movie, here is the trailer.

I think there are some valuable lessons from this movie and they  use "rules" in their zombie killing. I'm going to go through some of them and how they can apply to real life and give you articles to read as resources.  But keep these rules in mind in case there is a zombie apocalypse one day.

Rule #1 - CARDIO
Now this one is fairly self explanatory. To me this means exercise. For a long time this has been my passion in life. To push my own body, to share my knowledge, to motivate others, and to move at least a little every day. There are so many many many many benefits of exercise. Here are just 50.

Rule #2 - DOUBLE TAP
This rule is really about making sure you run over a zombie twice with your car to make sure they are dead. But let's just think about what this can mean in life. What about follow through? Seeing something until it is done? Setting a goal. Following through. Here is an article about following through with your goals.


Let's be honest. This is just a good guiding principle for life and needs no further explanation. In all of my running, I know to beware of bathrooms - especially porty pots. 

Also so very self explanatory. Please wear your seatbelts.

This applies in so many avenues of life. Get a kick ass friend, spouse, pet, work out buddy, etc. So many studies have proven that if you have a connection to someone or something else in the world, you will live longer. We are meant to connect with others in this world and have them help us out when needed. 

Again - so true. As a fair skinned girl from the northern parts, this rings true in my book. Once you've had a few bad sunburns, you know why you need sunscreen. However, read this article for some good information on the debate over Vitamin D. 

I have only highlighted my favorite rules, but for a complete list of the zombie rules, click here.

Sometimes I may lack imagination and creativity, but as you all know...............

Have a great first of November and I hope you all enjoy what is left of fall before the great holiday season.

As always - if you enjoy my blog - do me the honor of spreading the word to friends and family.


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