But let's talk about being cranky and S.A.D. Seasonal Affective Disorder. This is no joke. So what do we do to become un-cranky? Obviously a vacation is a great option but there are others. Simply going to a new restaurant, exploring a new store, having a stay-cation and staying in a hotel in/around your town, going to a cabin, making a new food, spending more time with friends, sitting under a light therapy lamp every day, and so many other things.

SZG (sky zone girl): Hi, I'm calling to confirm Lindsey's party
Me: Great
SZG: Okay, great. How old is Lindsey turning?
Me: Well, I am turning 29 and my friend is turning 31.
SZG: pause, pause, chuckle, chuckle, okay that's great.
Fast forward to the party and 18 of our friends came and jumped on trampolines, ate pizza, and drank pop. It was a riot. Everyone laughed, jumped, flipped, sweat, and overall had a great time.
So maybe the cure to S.A.D. is to PLAY. Find a way to play.
But if you are stuck at this moment with ideas, watch my two favorite you tube videos.
Have a great week and enjoy your time to PLAY
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