- Tough Mudder - longest, best death waiver
- Indoor Rock Climbing
- Trampoline
- Sky Jump in Vegas
- Flight Lining in Vegas
- I'm sure there are many more
When was the last time you signed a waiver for an activity? By signing a waiver it usually means you are taking a risk. You could potentially hurt yourself and the company is not responsible. So ask yourself - when was the last time you took a risk?
Why do people take risks? This great article says it's because of a chemical in our brain - dopamine. How's your dopamine? Your brain releases dopamine when something makes you happy. This could range anywhere from a good meal to taking a vacation. People who are more adventurous and who take more risks have been found to have fewer dopamine regulators so they get a bigger hit off of dopamine when it is released.
I do not necessarily think every person needs to jump off the Stratosphere in Las Vegas in order to take a risk (but I did love it!) Risks can happen every day in small ways. The courage to say what you need to say to someone, ordering a new food off of a menu, doing a new exercise class, meeting someone new, even going a different way to work! So I challenge you to take a risk and if you're feeling really daring, find somewhere to sign a waiver :) Hopefully you'll be glad you did.
I would be remiss if I did not say Happy Valentine's Day. Tell everyone that you love them today and every day.
But please tell yourself that you love yourself today. Be kind to yourself. Watch this amazing video and give yourself daily affirmations of how great you are!
Have an amazing Valentine's Day and every day.
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